Miles David Moore

Watching Godzilla in 3D

Volume 16:1, Winter 2015
The Sonnet Issue

Watching Godzilla in 3D

This is your painless dose of shock and awe:
A mile of scaled and sinewed CGI
Arising from a pixel sea. Each claw
And fang engulfs the conflagrating sky.
Tokyo, Las Vegas, San Francisco crumble
In tune to Dolby’s all-surrounding roar
As you applaud the glass and stone that tumble
Down from the screen and vanish toward the floor.

You’re CGI yourself. On cue you smile
With all the film’s insipid hireling crowd
At this tyrannosaurus-crocodile
Whose gaze you’re primed to say is brave and proud,
That stomps back to its ocean, having killed
A world you didn’t make, and can’t rebuild.


Miles David Moore was a member of the 1993 DC Slam Team. He is founder and host of the IOTA Poetry Series in Arlington, Virginia; film reviewer for the online arts magazine Scene4; and a former member of the Board of Directors of The Word Works. His books of poems are Rollercoaster (The Word Works, 2004), Buddha Isn't Laughing (Argonne House Press, 1999), and The Bears of Paris (The Word Works, 1995). To read more by this author: Audio Issue, Whitman Issue, Five Poems, Volume 3:4, Fall 2002.