Arlington Cultural Affairs

Arlington Cultural Affairs sponsors grants, public art, and presents a range of public programs.  They maintain several theaters and other arts venues throughout the County, publish a monthly online newsletter, and sponsor the Arlington County Poet Laureate.


humanitiesdc-logoHumanitiesDC offers grants, sponsors the DC Digital Library, and hosts special events, such as the Humanitini discussion series.

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation

The Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation offers grants, advocacy, artist and critic exchanges, newsletter. Covers the following states: Delaware, DC, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia. West Virginia, and (strangely, since it’s not in the Mid-Atlantic) the US Virgin Islands.

National Endowment for the Arts

The NEA offers individual arts grants to writers across the country. Poets and translators are eligible in alternate years. Program grants to arts organizations cover all US states, territories, and military bases. Special initiatives for rural and inner-city arts groups.

National Endowment for the Humanities

The NEH awards grants and awards in several humanities categories given annually to cultural institutions (museums, archives, libraries, colleges, public TV, radio stations) and individual scholars.

Virginia Commission for the Arts

The VCA awards grants, training, and advocacy.  State-wide Writers in the Schools program. Hosts annual Arts Advocacy Day in Richmond, and an annual conference.