Poems and Essays:

😶, 💩, 😞: Ravi Shankar

A Villanelle after Trump: Kimiko Hahn

A-Z of Foreign Anguish; Freedom Song with Ginsberg, Dylan, Marley; Prayer: Zilka Joseph

African Breasts: by Nizar Qabbani; Translated by Rana Bitar with Robert Bensen

Alchemy; House: Grace Cavalieri

Ammi, A Prayer: Adeeba Shahid Talukder

Amulet; What I Dwell On; Uninvited Guests; Teeth; What We Shall Become; Dybbuk; There for the Grace; War Doesn’t Want; Far-flung: Barbara Goldberg

Annus Mirabilis: Kirk Greenway

Arrivals: Dominique Hecq

Art in Times of Crises, Volume I

Art In Times of Crises, Volume II

Athens By Day; Our Rome: Helen Mitsios

Beautiful Names of Poets; Make It the Way You Like It: Lora Berg

Blue Coronet, Grey Area, Eighteen, Il passagio della morte (Passage of Death): Dawad Philip

Brag: Karl Carter

Cabinet of curiosities; Far Planet: Marc Vincenz

Cauchemar des feuilles (The Leaves’ Nightmare);Arbre mort( Dead Tree); Règne des cendres (Reign of Ashes); Prologue (Prologue): Denizé Lauture, translated by Keith Cohen

Chopin in Exile; Playing Brahms’ Intermezzo in A Major: Carol Jennings

Citizen’s Arrest; Pine Hollow Convict; Fertility Doctor: Margo Taft Stever

Coming Home To A Mangrove Forest, Diana Woodcock

Dear Eastern: Don Berger

Decoration Day Poem

Deferment; Count: Luther Jett

Dig, Find, Make Way

Drowning; Family Dinner: A Metaphysical Check-In; Escape and Loss; Eyes of the Dead: Kristin Kowalski Ferragut

Either way, the fact remains; where once she danced: Anne Casey

El Sueño del Mundo (Dream of the World): Ada Zapata-Arriarán, translated by Indran Amirthanayagam

ESTÁN MUERTOS (THEY ARE DEAD); NÓMINA DE HUESOS (PAYROLL OF BONES): Jorge Ureta Sandoval, translated by Indran Amirthanayagam

Family Photograph; Farewell: Margo Taft Stever

Flamenco: Alexis Soto (translated by Allyson Lima)

For The Freddies (And Curtis Mayfield): Bernardine (Dine)Watson

Four Poems in Response to “Julius Caesar”

From a Borrowed Land, Shash Trevett: reviewed by Luther Jett

From A Series about Calcutta: Naveen Kishore

From the Editors: Conserving Home

Gerry & Ray; A Hive; School Bully Song: John Wall Barger

Godmother; Sheet Music; Microelectronic Sonnet: Terence Patrick Winch.

Goodbye Bouquet; New York in Our Hearts; Alone: Jennifer Rathbun

Graph; Thickness: Marie-Ange Claude

Great music: Dmitry Blizniuk

He Couldn’t Swim; The Year Before The Virus; Small Wars: Mervyn Taylor

Homeward endlessly homeward (sigh): Kirk Greenway

Homing; Come and find me; Singularity: Anne Casey

Honest Hope: Stephen Paul Miller

Hong Kong: Anonymous

House Musicians: Allyson Lima

How We Crumble: Jalyce E. Mangum

I am not here (Immigrant Song); Oh, my Teresa; A world cup: David Alberto Fernández

In the Weeds; What I Had and What I Lost; What Remains: Susana Case

Inner Light; What do you make; What are you drinking; Not traveling: Joan Mazza

Interludes at Union Station; Colony Collapse Disorder: Raga Ayyagari.

Interview with Sterling A. Brown

Interview with Vinita Agrawal By Kavita Ezekiel Mendonca

Introduction to The Virtual Salon Issue

Issue 21.1 Introduction

Je suis Paris, Never Haiti: Luz Stella Mejía

Landslide; Turbulence: S.B. Merrow

Le chien (Dog), Dieu (God), L’ombre qui boite (The Limping Shadow); Une mésange (A Chickadee): Alexis Bernaut

Lockdown Aubade on Rimsky-Korsakov’s Birthday; Zooming to Elysian Fields: Nancy Naomi Carlson

Man crying, raw footage(Llorando en crudo), Rising Waters (La crecida): Luis Bravo, translated by Catherine Jagoe & Jesse Lee Kercheval

Marching On; Sophia Naz.

Melanie Janisse Barlow. Thicket. (Palimpsest Press, 2019) Reviewed by John Wall Barger

Mientras nacen las ciudades (While cities are born), Natalia Gomez, translated by Indran Amirthanayagam

Migraine; ‘America is Dead’: Serena Agusto-Cox


My Russia, from SOVIET TEXTS, Dmitri Alexandrovich Prigov– translated by Simon Schuchat with Ainsley Morse

Mycophobia: Jeannine M. Pitas

Nafas in the Kitchen; To the Israeli Officer Who X-rayed and Swabbed Our Mother’s Ashes: Zeina Azzam

National Poetry Festival 1962

Native Gifts; Steeple Chase; The Patience of Dogs: Elizabeth Brunazzi

Necessity; Lines In A Time of Lockdown; When You Are Called; Does Not Your Experience…: Bonnie Naradzay

No hables de la belleza (Do not speak of beauty); Y sin embargo algo nos eleva, algo nos salva (And nevertheless something raises us, something saves us); Esta vez (This time): América Merino, translated by Katrin Rahe

Note to An Old Friend: Nancy Lefenfeld

Now you see it- now you don’t see it ( true account of Gregory Corso): Nina Zivancevic

Offbounce: Jules Desroches

Ogres (Ogros), From the same kettle (Del mismo caldero): Linda Morales Caballero, translated by the author

Our Situation By W. Luther Jett: Reviewed by Kristin Kowalski Ferragut

Passer domesticus: Mark Pawlak

Père Lachaise Cemetery, 1991: William Notter


Poem about Love (Not a Love Poem): James McKee

Poem, Valentina Rojas: Translated by Indran Amirthanayagam

Poems, Renato Sandoval: Translated by Roxana Peramás

Poet Biographies Issue No. 21.1

Qué empieza, qué termina (What begins, what ends) Álvaro Mata Guillé, translated by Daniela Bliss

Reconstitute: Introduction, Issue 22.2

Robert Penn Warren’s First Term Office and House

Saline Drip; Love in the Time of Corona; Obituary; Hope: Light Leaks; Asthma; Quarantine; Newsreel: Sudeep Sen

Selected Haiku from The Magic of Madagascar: Abhay K.

Selektion (1943): Michael H. Levin

Self-Driven: Ariel Montoya, translated by Silvia Rafti

Self-Portrait with Ball; Lament for an Accountant (1959); A Memorable Occasion: Opening the Doors; At the orphanage Lee told another kid that; On a Contemporary Locution: Baron Wormser

Shock, Enrique Bernales Albites: Translated by Sarli E. Mercado and Lori DiPrete Brown

Slack Tide, Massey’s Landing, David Salner

Sonnet 130; Sonnet 129: Liza Achilles

Sonny Boy Williamson I: Clifford Bernier

Subh-e-firaaq: Morning of Separation; at West 4th; Until; Image: Adeeba Shahid Talukder

Sunday Drive, Legacy of the Golden Calf, Lock-Down Three Times, Social Distancing Three Times: Don Krieger

sunset from the cliffs; when it drops you gonna feel it: Karren LaLonde Alenier

The Aquarium: Lalita Noronha

The arc of the rainbow has only one arrow: Kirk Greenway

The Blue Years; When The Sky Is Upside Down: E. Ethelbert Miller

The Boatman: Carolyn Forché

The Collector; Global Warning: W. Luther Jett

The Fire That May Never Come; Don’t Wait Until the Bitter End: Alison Palmer

The Imperial Cockroach; The South, Entropy: Jonathan Harrington

The Life and Poetry of Ralph Harry Nesson; Reviewed by Jonathan Harrington

The Melancholy Sound Of Fog Horns; To Merope, Somewhere In The Sky: Stephen Dunn

The New Normal: Gillian Thomas

The Nora Arcane, The Gaza Arcane: Jack Hirschman

The Pure: Adeeba Shahid Talukder

The Snares of This World; Walking the River: Roberto Christiano

The Succubus Visits Potus; Letter In Lockdown; Ava Tells The White Audience Again; A Few Months In; The Need For Herd Immunity: Cathy Gonick

The Summer Without a Bug, Bruce Spang

The Viscosity of Corona Time: Carol Jennings

The Weight of an Empty Room; Tomorrows; Will-o’; Lozenges: Cassandra Atherton and Paul Hetherington

There are No Black Bears in My State, Ron Riekki

Things You May Find Hidden In My Ear: Mosab Abu Toha, reviewed by Jonathan Harrington

Thirteen Moons: Mark Pawlak

Three Poems

Three Poems

Tu as marché nue dans mes rêves ( You walked naked in my dreams): Cherlie Rivage, translated by Indran Amirthanayagam

Two Poems

Viral Dream: Rana Bitar

Visiting the Convent at San Marco; On Expecting a Notice of Eviction: Catherine Gonick

Vladimir Gandelsman, Three Translations: Olga Livshin, Andrew Janco

Vodka in the Freezer; puddles: Caleb Knight

When I’m Gone, I’ll Come Back as a Window; You Won’t Know This Love; Love in the Arctic: Claudia Serea

When Nothing Wild Remains: Gerald Wagoner. Reviewed by Indran Amirthanayagam

Why I couldn’t sleep until morning: Tara Campbell

You Do Not Have to Be Good: Madeleine Barnes