Marie-Ange Claude
Marie-Ange CLAUDE was born in Deschapelles, Haiti. She pursued undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (FLA) and at the National Institute of Management and International Studies (INAGHEI), both faculties of the State University of Haiti. She was the third recipient and first woman laureate of the René Philoctète poetry prize, in December 2018 for her manuscript “Kaskad peyi” (My Country’s Waterfalls) of which 500 copies will be published by the National Book Directorate. Moreover, she was nominated for the international poetry competition “La différence” (The Difference) of the 2020 edition of the Maurice Koné prize.
Marie-Ange Claude is a member of L’Atelier Jeudi Soir (The Thursday Night Workshop), a collective of Haitian writers. Some of her poems were published in “Les Cahiers du Jeudi Soir”, a monthly publication in the columns of the national newspaper Le Nouvelliste. Some other poems were published in 2015, in the Anthologie des poètes de l’Atelier Jeudi Soir (Anthology of the poets of the Atelier Jeudi Soir). She also contributed to the collective work On n’assassine pas un poète (A Poet Can’t Be Killed), a tribute to the Haitian writer Willems Edouard, published in 2018 by the Jebca publishing house and, in 2020, to a special edition of the Haitian Magazine of Critical Literature and Social Theory Demanbre, devoted to the poet Georges Castera. Furthermore, her work is featured in many recent publications, such as Haïti face à la covid-19: Entre résilience et créativité (Haiti Facing Covid-19: between Resilience and Creativity), September 2020; The Magazine Do Kre I S: Trace(s)/Mak (Trails), 2021; Anthologie Voix des îles (Anthology Voices of the Islands), 2021; Voix de femme: anthologie féminine de poésie contemporaine (Women Voices: Feminine Anthology of Contemporary poetry), 2021. At last, some of her poems are to be published during the summer of 2021 in a collection which will be comprised of the works of the nominees and laureates of the international poetry competition La différence.