Valentina Rojas

Poem, Valentina Rojas: Translated by Indran Amirthanayagam


‘’Llorar como un cacuy, como un cocodrilo…. sí es verdad que los cocuíes y los cocodrilos no dejan nunca de llorar’’ Oliverio Girondo –

Dejarse fecundar el hígado de tristeza
Sentir el dolor en el fluir de cada jugo gástrico

Tener los pies cansados
de tantos caminos
de tantas raíces

Sentimientos poro a poro, latido a latido en la garganta
En el grito

Surgir de las palabras, germinar en la mirada.

¡En las lágrimas!

Llorar una partida de ajedrez
llorar al nacer, llorar desnudo frente al espejo,
llorar la risa, las palabras, el sexo, llorar la vida,
llorar, llorar el llanto.



To cry like a cacuy, like a crocodile…if it is true that cacuies and crocodiles never stop crying” Oliveiro Girondo

Allow the liver of your sadness to become pregnant.

Feel the pain in the flow of each gastric juice.

Your feet are tired
from so many roads
so many roots

Feelings pore to pore, beat to beat in the throat
In the cry
Ascension of words, germinating in looks.
In tears.

To cry over a chess game
to cry at birth, to cry nude before the mirror
to cry laughter, words, sex, life
to cry, to cry crying.


A student of humanities and the Spanish language at the University San Buenaventura in Medellin, Valentina Rojas has been published in anthologies both in Colombia and elsewhere in America. She is on the editorial board of the review Agrafos.