We are in the height of humid and hot August not only today, but throughout this climate change- induced heat wave of a summer. Come inside. Snuggle up with these refreshing poems from all over the world. They form part of the resistance and make us more resilient. They are frank explorations of the dilemmas of modern life, and of its wonders.
We are proud to celebrate reviews here. The world needs to talk about poems and we are grateful for the analyses offered by the poets and critics Jonathan Harrington and Jeannine Pitas. We need guides to poetry, teachers who can help us enter the interstices between lines and stanzas and the spirit of the times. We are proud of Beltway’s contribution to this exploration.
As always we are also dancing in the glow of light shone by our translations. This time we have poems in Arabic, Slovenian and Spanish brought into English.
And then there are the poems written in English. What a grand sweep we have from fine artisans in England, Mexico, Australia and the United States.
A special shout out to Renee Gherity who did the bulk of the bridge building in this issue.
Indran Amirthanayagam, Editor
Sara Cahill Marron, Associate Editor
Renee Gherity, Guest Editor